
If You Can Only Catch One…
Season 02, Episode 32 Tyler Wilson Season 02, Episode 32 Tyler Wilson

If You Can Only Catch One…

I only caught a single trout on this trip, but it was probably the biggest one in the pond. With no other bites, I decided to wrap up the day by cleaning up the pond. This pond gets a lot of trash throughout the year from the baseball fields and the skate park by being across the street from a middle school and kitty-corner from a grocery store. The wind seems to gather trash from all around, and it gets caught in the vegetation around the pond. Our Parks & Recreation department does some cleanup, but I take a little time to clean up around the pond when things get really bad.

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Slow Bite but a Few Good Fish
Season 02, Episode 29 Tyler Wilson Season 02, Episode 29 Tyler Wilson

Slow Bite but a Few Good Fish

My regular stocked pond has not been producing like it has in the past. This attempt was no different. At least this time, I was able to catch one excellent fish and a couple of average-sized fish. The Powerbait Eggs pulled through again. I tried weighted float and spinners, but only the Powerbait Eggs off the bottom produced results.

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Wind, Rain, & Rainbow Trout - Part 2
Season 02, Episode 28, Part 2 Tyler Wilson Season 02, Episode 28, Part 2 Tyler Wilson

Wind, Rain, & Rainbow Trout - Part 2

I've tried this pond unsuccessfully, but that was no reason not to try again. I broke out several bait and lure options this trip but found success on my favorite. The weather was not very cooperative, but I endured since I was catching fish. The worst was when the wind and rain were both battering me. I rigged up my umbrella on my back, using my action camera chest mount to hold it. It was not ideal, but it worked well enough during the worst of the weather.

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