Oregon Coast Scenic Railway & Lots More

This day-long adventure started with a morning train ride from Rockaway Beach to Garibaldi on the Oregon Coast Scenic Railway. What a fun experience. Our train engine was the engine used in the movie Stand By Me. It takes the tracks down the Oregon Coast from Rockaway Beach to Garibaldi. The trip also comes with a return ticket, which can be scheduled for shortly after arrival or for later in the day. We scheduled our trip, so we arrived in Garibaldi before noon. We then spent our time in Garibaldi getting lunch at the Garibaldi Portside Bistro, visiting a few secondhand stores, and taking in the small town atmosphere.

The train ride was a slow, gentle trip along the Oregon Coast. We made sure to get seats on the “western side” to ensure an unobstructed view of the ocean. In truth, there are limited views of the ocean. You do still get the best views from this side of the train, in my opinion. As someone who is prone to motion sickness, I can’t even ride in the passenger seat of a car for more than 30 minutes, I had no issues on this train ride.

Arriving in Garibaldi, we first explored a few of the thrift shops in town. We find unique treasures in these stores, and this was no disappointment. In one of the thrift stores, we found the Oregon Trail Card Game. It has since turned into a family, and extended family, favorite.

After shopping, we headed towards the dock and Garibaldi Portside Bistro. This was a fun little restraint with excellent food. The atmosphere was pleasant, the staff friendly, and the occupancy minimal. After burgers and sandwiches to fill our bellies, it was time to head back and take the afternoon train back to Rockaway Beach.

We reserved the same seats for the train ride back to Rockaway Beach. It was another pleasant 30-minute trip along the coast. With the cooling coastal breeze, the gentle swaying and rhythmic clacking of the train, and our full bellies, it was almost difficult to stay awake. Thankfully, the fun train whistle from time to time would awaken us and bring a smile to our faces.

Back in Rockaway Beach, we snapped some pictures of the train engine and headed back to our hotel. With a lot of the day still remaining, we gathered a few items and got into the car to head on another adventure, Cape Meares Lighthouse.

Cape Meares Lighthouse is right on the coast due West of Tillamook, OR and just south of Bayocean Peninsula (read about our adventure here). There is a large parking area with room for RV parking (day use only) located at the Cape Meares State Scenic Viewpoint. From the parking lot, it is a short walk down some paved switchbacks to the lighthouse. The lighthouse itself is closed, and I don’t believe it opens to the public at any time. There is a lookout area at the lighthouse where you can take in the view. From here you can see Pillar Rock to the Northwest, with Pyramid Rock further beyond. To the South is Three Arch Rocks National Wildlife Refuge which is made up of Seal Rock, Finley Rock, and Storm Rock.

From here, we hiked up the trail, back to the parking lot, then walked over to the restroom area. From here you can follow the trail to the Octopus Tree. A sign at the base of this incredible wonder reads, “The forces that shaped this unique Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) have been debated for many years. Whether natural events or possibly Native Americans were the cause remains a mystery.” The tree measure more than 46 feet (14.02 meters) in circumference and has no central trunk. Limbs extend as much as 16 feet (4.88 meters) from the base before turning upward. It is 105 feet (32 meters) tall and is estimated to be 250 to 300 years old. It is astounding.

There is another feature in this area. Supposedly, the largest Sitka tree in Oregon is north of the Octopus Tree. We did not realize this when we were there and did not visit the site. Perhaps, if you are in the area, you can make a visit and see it for yourselves.

After visiting the Octopus Tree, we got back in the car and began our trek home. However, any time you drive through Tillamook, OR you really just have to stop at the Tillamook Creamery for food, or at least Ice Cream. The Creamery is awesome. When Covid-19 restrictions are eased, you can go on a walking tour of the Creamery. They have a small area where you can buy cheese, cheese curds, and a variety of other dairy items they make fresh there at the Creamery. They also have several food options and a vast selection of ice cream flavors to enjoy. It is sweeeeet, literally.

After filling our bellies with delectable sundries, we made our way back to the hotel to rest up for the next grand adventure.


Green Acres Trail Ride & Twin Rocks


Bayocean Peninsula