Harrison Hollow Trail

Harrison Hollow Trail is a single trail that is usually combined with other trails in the area to create a loop. For example, the Harrison Hollow to Who Now Loop. There are several trails just in this area alone. Because of the mud in spots we were only able to walk a short distance on the Harrison Hollow Trail before coming back. We then found a side trail the cut over the the Harrison Ridge Trail which gave us a really good vertical climb to the ridge trail and we were then able to explore a little more before returning home. We did attempt another vertical climb near the end, but turned back due to the mud.

The key is that we all should avoid walking muddy trails when possible. It damages the soil, the trail, and often the surrounding vegetation as people will often trample the already weakened vegetation in colder months to avoid the muddy trail. In fact, I think this might be a good time to talk some about trail etiquette. Below I will provide links to our area's "Ridge to Rivers" website so you can get the information from the source.

The trail was certainly muddy in a lot of places today. We did our best to stick to only sandy areas which made it difficult at times. Sometimes it would even look like the trail ahead was sandy, but once you reached it you would see just how much of it was actually mud.

All the runners we saw would only go as far as the end of the sandy area and then turn around. One person was basically doing 'there and back' laps, but they were all respecting the trails conditions. I am not sure about any of the other hikers we saw, since they were moving at our pace and so we are not sure how dedicated they were to maintaining our trails. Some people could be seen in muddier areas along the ridge-lines and trails we were not willing to hike along ourselves.

We hope the increased population of late still allows for good trail maintenance and health. I cant hep but wonder if these trails we take for granted will someday be taken away.

Trail Etiquette*

*May not apply to your local area.

Trail Etiquette During Covid

General Trail Etiquette



Hikers and Runners

Mountain Bikers

Motorized Users

Large Groups

Winter Trail Use


Malad Gorge


River Canyon Trail